UPDATE Aug 2022
Dear Friends,
The Sandy Crawford Memorial Bikeathon ran this past Sunday on a perfect Alberta summer day in the mountains. The sky was blue, the mountains were etched against the sky and there was a slight breeze. Seven riders started from Lake Louise and were joined by additional riders at Moose Meadows and Cascade Ponds, 15 riders in total. Our sag wagon crew kept the bikers hydrated with water and energized with granola bars. Luckily, there were no mechanical breakdowns, and everyone finished their distance. We celebrated with a pizza and beer party, topped off by Sandy’s favourite dessert, sticky toffee pudding.
We want to thank all of you who donated to the Canadian Lung Association. Because of your caring, we blew past our initial goal of $2,500. The current total on GoFundMe is $12,540! With additional donations made directly to the Lung Association, our total stands at about $13,000. Congratulations and THANK YOU!
The GoFundMe page will remain open until Labour Day (September 5). If you know anyone who has been meaning to donate, please pass this along.
Nan & Ron McKellar
We are planning the Sandy Crawford Memorial Bikeathon (August 7, 2022) to honour our dear friend and colleague who sadly passed away last December after a brief but valiant fight against idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. The Bikeathon will go from Lake Louise to Canmore, a distance of approximately 90 km. You can participate in either of two ways. You can choose to bike (see more details below). Or you can support the riders by donating to the GoFundMe page at the following link: https://gofund.me/a3e7c8ba. All donations will be given to the Canadian Lung Association. Thank you in advance for your support.
The number of bikers is limited to 15. You can either start at Lake Louise (90 km total distance), Johnston’s Canyon (51 km) or Banff Fenlands Parking Lot (26 km). There will be supply stations at Baker Creek, Johnston’s Canyon, Fenlands Parking Lot and the Legacy Trail Rundle Viewpoint. The ride will conclude with pizza at Bob and Patty Raina’s house in Canmore. There will be sag wagons along the route providing support as needed. An entry fee of $25 (cash or e-transfer) will cover supplies. It is hoped that riders will also donate to the GoFundMe page.
Once again, thank you for your support. Our current goal is $2,500, but we’d love to exceed that. All donations will benefit those like Sandy who are battling lung disease. If you have any questions, reply to nan.mckellar@gmail.com.
Ron and Nancy McKellar